Locations: HollywoodLa Jolla


Allan Stephan

  • Bio

    Allan Stephan has a much- deserved reputation as one of the quickest and funniest off the cuff comics working today. Using his brand of conversational humor coupled with finely honed improvisational skills Stephan has been able to take his best material and work the audience based upon what they want to hear.

    He’s headlined every major club in the country and for six years played to sold-out casino’s and arena’s with the notorious “OUTLAW’S OF COMEDY”.

    He’s also opened for many famous acts including Harry Belafonte, Tony Bennett, Smokey Robinson and Kenny Loggins, just to name a few.

    After numerous appearances on television (including The Tonight Show) Allan turned to writing in the mid nineties. He soon became the Ex-producer on the hit television show  “ROSEANNE”. He co-wrote the pilot and served as co-ex-producer on HBO’s “ARLISS”.

    He was nominated for a WGA award in 2007 for a show he co-created called “ASSUME THE POSITION with MR. WUHL” on HBO. Allan’s also been nominated for an Image Award and recognized for his contributions in television writing that enriches the human condition with a Humanitas Certificate. Allan’s done many pilots and specials along the way including some for MTV, DISNEY, Nickelodeon and SONY.

    Stephan’s humor can best be described as a cross between the down-home manner of your favorite uncle and the acerbic tongue of a Doonesbury/Far Side comic strip.

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