Locations: HollywoodLa Jolla

Barry Diamond

Barry Diamond

    • Bio

      Born and raised in a small log cabin in the Bronx New York. He began his comedy career at Catch A Rising Star and The Improvisation comedy clubs in New York City in 1975. Some of the alumni from that era include Jay Leno, Jerry Seinfeld, Robin Williams, Billy Crystal and many many more…

      Barry Diamond could have chosen to do anything he wanted to do. He could have been a great teacher or a financial wizard or a priest or a shepherd. Instead he chose comedy in spite of his actual talent and experience with sheep.

      Diamond’s credits are impressive. He has appeared in “Friends”, “Seinfeld”, “Politically Incorrect”, “Curb Your Enthusiasm” and every movie with the word “party” in it. Bachelor Party, House Party I and II. He has travelled and headlined all over the English speaking world.

      Barry Diamond is an absolute hit on stage; he’s a cut above the rest, with a high-calibre repertoire, which sees him undergo numerous character driven and personality changes with great effect. Seamlessly going from one to the other. He also has a powerful singing voice and opens and closes his performance with two superb numbers. Then he dances. He dances until he is shot in the neck with a tranquilizer dart.

      His act is difficult to describe, he doesn’t tell one-liners, instead he prefers to weave different stories into his act. He introduces his various characters early in the show; they then appear throughout the act, often in the same sentence. The characters aren’t imper-sonations of famous people, instead they’re impersonations of everyday people, complete with hand gesturing and facial expres-sions. It’s very unique, very wild and very funny. Then…the show starts.

      Mr. Diamond is an American first, a comedian second and a loving single parent to the most beautiful cat and dog Charlie and Princess Diamond. He has traveled around the world doing shows to support our American soldiers and reassure them that they have not been sent to fight a senseless and needless war ordered by a handful of rich sociopaths.

      As a comedian he has had the privilege of traveling around the world making people laugh on stage, offstage, in hospitals, bars, comedy clubs, torture chambers (Guantanamo Bay Improv) Private parties and secret government events.

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