Locations: HollywoodLa Jolla


Bill Burr

  • Bio

    I was born a freckled child in a land far away during a much simpler time. I did well in school until it counted.

    As a freshman in High School I had dreams of going to Notre Dame and becoming a lawyer. By the time I was sophomore I was taking shop class and was considering getting into construction.

    I ended up working in warehousing and unloading trucks. Other than stand up, that job was the most fun I ever had.

    I am now a stand up comedian. I do a couple hundred shows a year. And I enjoy the travel.

    I’ve done five hour-long stand-up specials: “Why Do I Do This”, “Let It Go”, “You People Are All The Same” and “I’m Sorry You Feel That Way” and “Walk your way out.” I am currently on the road “writing” my next hour.

    I host a podcast each week called The Monday Morning Podcast. I have an animated series on Netflix called: ‘F’ Is For Family.’ Occasionally I act in movies but only when they let me.

    That’s it. Go fuck yourself.

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